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Promised Paradise (12+)

the Netherlands, Indonesia, 2006, colour, 52 min.
Directors: Leonard Retel Helmrich, Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich
The Indonesian puppeteer Agus Nur Amal calls to account the people who were responsible for the bomb attack on a nightclub on Bali 12 October 2002. Like in his theatre shows, humour is his main weapon. Agus also consults a paranormal advisor and asks him where the perpetrators of the suicide attack are now, “Their heaven is our hell” is the conclusion.


Zanzibar International Film festival, 2007: Main Prize.
Russian premier

Leonard Retel Helmrich

Leonard Retel Helmrich

is a Dutch cinematographer and film director of Indo the descent. He was born in Tilburg, Netherlands and has lived in Amsterdam since 1982. He received highest honors for international documentaries at the Sundance Festival and was first two-time International Documentary winner at the International Documentary (IDFA). He is famous for perfecting the “single camera shot” film theory and his related technical camera innovations.


Selected filmography: The Phoenix Mystery, 1990; Moving objects, 1991; The Eye of the Day, 2001; Flight from Heaven, 2003; Shape of the Moon, 2004; Promised Paradise, 2006; Position among the Stars, 2010; Hollandse Nieuwe (Raw Herring), 2013.

Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich

Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich

the Netherlands, Indonesia, 2006, colour, 52 min.
Directors: Leonard Retel Helmrich, Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich
The Indonesian puppeteer Agus Nur Amal calls to account the people who were responsible for the bomb attack on a nightclub on Bali 12 October 2002. Like in his theatre shows, humour is his main weapon. Agus also consults a paranormal advisor and asks him where the perpetrators of the suicide attack are now, “Their heaven is our hell” is the conclusion.


Zanzibar International Film festival, 2007: Main Prize.
Russian premier