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Flight from Heaven (12+)

the Netherlands, Indonesia, 2003, colour, 50 min.
Director: Leonard Retel Helmrich
A shocking and controversial television documentary about a boarding school for boys in Central Java. Apparently, the boarders frequently play a role in Islamic terror attacks in the villages of Java. Leonard Retel Helmrich follows the fortunes of 13 year-old Johan, who has been sent to the boarding school by his parents.


Nomination “Golden Calf” for best documentary on Netherlands Filmfestival, 2004.

Leonard Retel Helmrich

Leonard Retel Helmrich

Избранная фильмография: «Загадка Феникса», 1990; «Движущиеся объекты», 1991; «Око дня», 2001; «Полет из Рая», 2003; «Очертания луны», 2004; «Обещанный рай», 2006; «Положение среди звезд», 2010; «Сырая сельдь», 2013.


Selected filmography: The Phoenix Mystery, 1990; Moving objects, 1991; The Eye of the Day, 2001; Flight from Heaven, 2003; Shape of the Moon, 2004; Promised Paradise, 2006; Position among the Stars, 2010; Hollandse Nieuwe (Raw Herring), 2013.
the Netherlands, Indonesia, 2003, colour, 50 min.
Director: Leonard Retel Helmrich
A shocking and controversial television documentary about a boarding school for boys in Central Java. Apparently, the boarders frequently play a role in Islamic terror attacks in the villages of Java. Leonard Retel Helmrich follows the fortunes of 13 year-old Johan, who has been sent to the boarding school by his parents.


Nomination “Golden Calf” for best documentary on Netherlands Filmfestival, 2004.