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Young German Cinema. IDFF REC (Berlin) Special at Flahertiana

Mika (16+)

France, 2013, colour, 6 min.
Director: Clara Winter
"Mika was one of the first who welcomed me in the Squat. Most of the time he is speaking seriously, very fast, but never without his disarming smile. A charming gangster. With his new girlfriend he was on the way up. On the 11th of December Mika was shot".
Russian premier

Clara Winter

Clara Winter

was born to the peaceful revolution in Leipzig, Germany. Since 2009 she is studying in Art school Kassel.


Mika, 2012; Laurent, 2012; Beziehungsarbeit 1, 2012; Beziehungsarbeit 2, 2013; The boring feeling of nothing, 2013; I hate you but I fuck you, 2013; Olivier, 2013; Just kids left alie on the road, 2014; Postcolonialism in 30sqm, 2015.
France, 2013, colour, 6 min.
Director: Clara Winter
"Mika was one of the first who welcomed me in the Squat. Most of the time he is speaking seriously, very fast, but never without his disarming smile. A charming gangster. With his new girlfriend he was on the way up. On the 11th of December Mika was shot".
Russian premier