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Upside-down, or Phantomas in the Province (12+)

Russia, 2005, colour, 20 min.
Director: Veniamin Tronin
Reputable cultural workers suddenly become the jurors at the teenage break-dance festival called “Phantomas”. At first, it boggles their minds, but after the amusing performance of a local boy from the rhubarbs of Udmurtia, they start to behave like kids themselves.


International Film and Television Festival «Saratov Sufferings” (Russia, 2016) – Special Award for Provincial Creativity.

Veniamin Tronin

Veniamin Tronin

is a graduate of the High Courses for Scriptwriters and Film Directors (workshop of Vladimir Khotinenko, Pavel Finn, Vladimir Fenchenko). He was born in the north of Udmurtia (Glazov region) and still lives and works there.


Upside-down or Phantomas in the Province, 2005; Shameful, 2007; Mr. Bubyli, 2009; Aunty, 2013; Fireside, 2013.
Russia, 2005, colour, 20 min.
Director: Veniamin Tronin
Reputable cultural workers suddenly become the jurors at the teenage break-dance festival called “Phantomas”. At first, it boggles their minds, but after the amusing performance of a local boy from the rhubarbs of Udmurtia, they start to behave like kids themselves.


International Film and Television Festival «Saratov Sufferings” (Russia, 2016) – Special Award for Provincial Creativity.