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We Will Rock You (18+)

Russia, 2017, colour, 124 min.
Director: Evgeny Grigoriev
Pursuing their dreams, three young musicians collide with the well-known facts of reality, be it everyday routine, changes in their personal lives, lack of money and education or numerous concerns of other people. This film amounts to both initiation story and instruction of how not lose your own life in someone's stream. The film features music bands and musicians, including "Cosmic LATTE", "Gorodok Chekistov", "Sam Sebe Joe", and Vladimir Shakhrin, Sergey Bobunetz, Alexander Pantykin, etc.

Evgeny Grigoriev

Evgeny Grigoriev

is a director and producer. He was born in 1979 in the village of Koshuki (Sverdlovsk region), studied journalism at USU and worked on television. After he graduated from the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK) he made 10 author's award-winning film, became Dad, made several commercials, videos and TV series, and staged two performances. In 2001 he founded the "The First Film" Documentary House. From 2013 to 2016, he was the president of Russian Documentary Film and Television Guild.


Lekha Online, 2001; Moscow Vacations. Home Video, 2002; Architects of Their Own Fortune, 2003; Last Will, 2004; Et Tu, Brute!, 2008; Battle for Ukraine, 2012; Territory, 2012; Waiting for Barbarians, 2014; Looking on the Other Bank, 2016; We Will Rock You, 2017.
Russia, 2017, colour, 124 min.
Director: Evgeny Grigoriev
Pursuing their dreams, three young musicians collide with the well-known facts of reality, be it everyday routine, changes in their personal lives, lack of money and education or numerous concerns of other people. This film amounts to both initiation story and instruction of how not lose your own life in someone's stream. The film features music bands and musicians, including "Cosmic LATTE", "Gorodok Chekistov", "Sam Sebe Joe", and Vladimir Shakhrin, Sergey Bobunetz, Alexander Pantykin, etc.