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The White World According to Daliborek (18+)

Czech Republic, Slovakia, UK, Denmark, 2017, colour, 107 min.
Director: Vít Klusak
A stylized portrait of an authentic Czech neo-Nazi who hates his life but doesn’t know what to change. Corrosively absurd and starkly chilling in equal measure, this tragicomedy investigates the radical worldview of “decent, ordinary people.” And just when it seems that its message can’t get any more urgent, the film culminates in a totally uncompromising way.

Vít Klusak

Vít Klusak

graduated in documentary filmmaking from Prague’s Film Academy (FAMU). In 2003 he and Filip Remunda founded Hypermarket Film, which focuses on the production of writer-director documentaries and, on principle, refuses to shoot commercials. The pair gained a measure of fame with Czech Dream (2004), a documentary comedy about an invented hypermarket; the film extensively toured the festival circuit and brought recognition at home and abroad. In this and other documentaries Klusák reveals a strong authorial hand based on the selection of socio-critical topics and the investigation of current affairs. But he’s also a director unafraid to be “seen” on camera, whether physically or in dialogue with the characters.


«Чешская мечта», 2004; «Медный век», 2010; «Чешский мир», 2010; «На благо всего мира и Ношовице», 2010; «Темница искусства», 2012; «Китлице, свободная комната», 2012; «Хороший водитель Сметана», 2013; «Госпел по Брабенеку», 2014; «Обнаженная нация», 2014; «В лучах солнца», 2015; «Чехи против чехов», 2015; «Мир по Далибореку», 2017.
Czech Republic, Slovakia, UK, Denmark, 2017, colour, 107 min.
Director: Vít Klusak
A stylized portrait of an authentic Czech neo-Nazi who hates his life but doesn’t know what to change. Corrosively absurd and starkly chilling in equal measure, this tragicomedy investigates the radical worldview of “decent, ordinary people.” And just when it seems that its message can’t get any more urgent, the film culminates in a totally uncompromising way.