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The Curtain (12+)

Russia , 2008, colour, 26 min.
Director: Vladimir Golovnev
"The Curtain" tells a story about a drama theatre in a small Ural town Irbit. Audience of the theatre consists of people who live in nearby villages. The film is about convergence of the town and village life. We can not separate them. There are the same mentality and the same problems of Russian reality on both sides of the curtains.


“Message to Man” Film Festival (St.-Petersburg, 2009) – Silver Centaur for the best short documentary in the national competition; ODFF “Russia” (Ekaterinburg, 2009) – award for the best short film; IDFF “Flahertiana” (Perm, 2009) – award for the best short film in the international competition; “TeleProfi” Festival (Saratov, 2009) – Grand-Prix.

Vladimir Golovnev

Vladimir Golovnev

was born in 1982 in Omsk. In 2004, he graduated from Historical Department of Omsk State University. In 2005, he qualified as film director in “Internews” Independent School of Film and Television.


Curtain, 2008; Game, 2010; Game, 2011; Anatomy of a Champion, 2011; Two Childhoods, 2015.
Russia , 2008, colour, 26 min.
Director: Vladimir Golovnev
"The Curtain" tells a story about a drama theatre in a small Ural town Irbit. Audience of the theatre consists of people who live in nearby villages. The film is about convergence of the town and village life. We can not separate them. There are the same mentality and the same problems of Russian reality on both sides of the curtains.


“Message to Man” Film Festival (St.-Petersburg, 2009) – Silver Centaur for the best short documentary in the national competition; ODFF “Russia” (Ekaterinburg, 2009) – award for the best short film; IDFF “Flahertiana” (Perm, 2009) – award for the best short film in the international competition; “TeleProfi” Festival (Saratov, 2009) – Grand-Prix.