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The Native Land (0+)

Russia, 1997, colour, 30 min.
Director: Yuri Shiller
The boy is already 12 years old but he has never been outside of his home village. The drama of a grown up life is unknown to him, but what is lying ahead... Nikolai is working in the field the whole day that’s why all other busy household chores are taken care of by his wife Luda and their two children, Pasha and Polina. Ordinary life of an ordinary village family.

Yuri Shiller

Yuri Shiller

Родился 13 августа 1942 года в г. Оха Сахалинской области. Окончил режиссерский факультет ВГИКа (1970, мастерская Г.Чухрая). В 1972 дебютировал в качестве режиссера-постановщика игровым фильмом «Необычный день». С 1975 - режиссер студии «Новосибирск-телефильм», затем - Западно-Сибирской студии кинохроники. Режиссер более пятидесяти документальных и научно-популярных фильмов.Лауреат Государственной премии РФ (1998).
Russia, 1997, colour, 30 min.
Director: Yuri Shiller
The boy is already 12 years old but he has never been outside of his home village. The drama of a grown up life is unknown to him, but what is lying ahead... Nikolai is working in the field the whole day that’s why all other busy household chores are taken care of by his wife Luda and their two children, Pasha and Polina. Ordinary life of an ordinary village family.