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The Fundamental Scientist (0+)

Russia, 2002, colour, 39 min.
Director: Evgeny Grigoriev
Nikita Pozdeev is a young scientist. At his communal flat, he works to decipher human genome. According to one version, people are mere ‘live containers’ set to store definite types of DNA. Maybe, that is the reason of our existence. Maybe, “the Acid” has created us and everything around. But then, Love has nothing to do with the creation and is given to us just for fun. One day the sense will overcome.


Best documentary of Festival “Nachalo/Beginning” (St. Petersburg, 2003).

Evgeny Grigoriev

Evgeny Grigoriev

(1979). Sophomore of VGIK, The Training Studio of Filmmakers of V. A. Mann. Former reporter.


“Liokha Online”, 2001;”The Moscow Holidays. Home Video”, 2002; “Masters of Own Fate”, 2003.
Russia, 2002, colour, 39 min.
Director: Evgeny Grigoriev
Nikita Pozdeev is a young scientist. At his communal flat, he works to decipher human genome. According to one version, people are mere ‘live containers’ set to store definite types of DNA. Maybe, that is the reason of our existence. Maybe, “the Acid” has created us and everything around. But then, Love has nothing to do with the creation and is given to us just for fun. One day the sense will overcome.


Best documentary of Festival “Nachalo/Beginning” (St. Petersburg, 2003).