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Nanook of the North (0+)

USA, 1922, b/w, 53 min.
Director: Robert Flaherty
In autumn 1919 Robert Flaherty started filming "Nanuk" in Hudson Bay. It was subsidized by a trade company. The first-night of the film was on at "Capitol" theatre in New York three years later. This is how its triumphant march into all world screens started. The film about Nanuk proved to be a new phenomenon in World cinematography. It lacked the biased versions typical of major ethnographical films of early XXth century. It was not a superior vision of the Eskimos on the part of a higher civilized society representative. The Eskimos are depicted from inside, through their own eyes. The director created a new documentaries form based on extended camera observation of real life. He is called Father of Documentaries. He was a great story teller and traveller. His every new film turner and traveller. His every new film turned to be a discovery for both his viewers and himself. In 1910 on graduating from both College and National Mining School, Flaherty joined a petroleum-mining expedition in remote areas. Later on he joined some more expeditions of a similar kind. Flaherty used to keep a diary. Once he took a film camera with him. In the Canadien Eskimos Country he managed to shoot some unique materials which, unfortunately, were ruined later on. Flaherty realized that he had to continue his endeavour filming the North. This is how everything started...

Robert Flaherty

Robert Flaherty

Его называют отцом документального кино. Он был великим рассказчиком и великим путешественником. Каждый его новый фильм был открытием для зрителей и для самого художника. В 1910 году, окончив колледж и национальные курсы горной школы, Флаэрти принял участие в экспедиции, прошедшей по неизведанным местам в поисках нефти. В последующие годы было предпринято еще несколько таких экспедиций. Флаэрти вел дневник и ,однажды, взял с собой киноаппарат. В стране канадских эскимосов ему удалось снять уникальный материал, который, к сожалению, погиб. Но Флаэрти понял, что он должен продолжать и снять фильм о Севере. Так все начиналось.
USA, 1922, b/w, 53 min.
Director: Robert Flaherty
In autumn 1919 Robert Flaherty started filming "Nanuk" in Hudson Bay. It was subsidized by a trade company. The first-night of the film was on at "Capitol" theatre in New York three years later. This is how its triumphant march into all world screens started. The film about Nanuk proved to be a new phenomenon in World cinematography. It lacked the biased versions typical of major ethnographical films of early XXth century. It was not a superior vision of the Eskimos on the part of a higher civilized society representative. The Eskimos are depicted from inside, through their own eyes. The director created a new documentaries form based on extended camera observation of real life. He is called Father of Documentaries. He was a great story teller and traveller. His every new film turner and traveller. His every new film turned to be a discovery for both his viewers and himself. In 1910 on graduating from both College and National Mining School, Flaherty joined a petroleum-mining expedition in remote areas. Later on he joined some more expeditions of a similar kind. Flaherty used to keep a diary. Once he took a film camera with him. In the Canadien Eskimos Country he managed to shoot some unique materials which, unfortunately, were ruined later on. Flaherty realized that he had to continue his endeavour filming the North. This is how everything started...