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The Sixth Part of the World (0+)

Russia, 1926, b/w, 53 min.
Director: Dziga Vertov
In March 1925 Dziga Vertov and his team were required to shoot a film about State Trade Ministry and its activities on export of genuine Russian goods. Realizing the advertising character of the whole campaign, D. Vertov, however, was able to appreciate the scale of camera work affecting the director's creativity. The filming took place all over the USSR. It covered various aspects: fur-trade in the Far North, flax harvesting in the Northern and Central areas, sheep-breeding for astrakhan manufacturing in the Caucasus, grain production on the Southern black-soil lands, cargo loading in the biggest ports. Even the title of the film had very little to do with the initial idea of advertising State Trade Ministry activities. Instead it correlated with Vertov's plan to tell about Man with a keen "camera" eyesight.

Dziga Vertov

Dziga Vertov

родился в 1896 году в Белостоке. Один из основателей документального кино. Работал в отделе кинохроники Московского кинокомитета. Руководил работой операторов-хроникеров. Основатель тематического документального киножурнала "Киноправда" (1922-1925 гг.), в котором разрабатывал принципы хроникальной съемки, впервые применил в монтажном кино приемы монтажного сопоставления. Вертов выступил с рядом теоретических статей и манифестов, в которых дал теоретическое обоснование метода "Киноглаза". Новые идеи должны быть выражены в кино по-новому. "Киноглаз - это не только наблюдение жизни, но и ее художественная организация, напряженные поиски таинственного языка экрана". Д. Вертов умер в Москве в 1954 г.
Russia, 1926, b/w, 53 min.
Director: Dziga Vertov
In March 1925 Dziga Vertov and his team were required to shoot a film about State Trade Ministry and its activities on export of genuine Russian goods. Realizing the advertising character of the whole campaign, D. Vertov, however, was able to appreciate the scale of camera work affecting the director's creativity. The filming took place all over the USSR. It covered various aspects: fur-trade in the Far North, flax harvesting in the Northern and Central areas, sheep-breeding for astrakhan manufacturing in the Caucasus, grain production on the Southern black-soil lands, cargo loading in the biggest ports. Even the title of the film had very little to do with the initial idea of advertising State Trade Ministry activities. Instead it correlated with Vertov's plan to tell about Man with a keen "camera" eyesight.