The VI Flahertiana International Documentary Film Festival will take place in Perm, Russia from May 3rd to 10th , 2006. Beginning with 2006, the Festival will be staged annually.
Festival programme includes documentaries that develop the cinematography aesthetics first introduced by Robert Flaherty in his masterpiece Nanook of the North, portraying the human character's real life on film and structuring it on the screen according to the laws of dramaturgy. The key methods of filmmaking involve long-term follow-up and “habitual” camera.
Festival Awards include:
Main Jury prize and US$ 10,000.
Prize “For the best long documentary” and US$ 3,000.
Prize “For the best short documentary” and US$ 3,000.
Prize of film critics and US$ 3,000
Special prize of the Organising Committee “For outstanding achievements in documentary film art” and US$ 5,000.
In previous years, the Festival awards went to Pavel Lozinskiy, Poland (The Sisters), Sergey Dvortsevoy (The Motorway), Yuriy Shiller (The Flight of a Bumblebee), Andrey Zheleznyakov (Natural Selection), Aleksandr Gutman (Fresco), Viktor Kosakovskiy (Tishe) and others.
Perm — Festival's venue and main city of the Perm Region — has stretched along the Kama River on the eastern border of Europe, housing over 1 million people.
Here, unique Ural foothills' relief has urged the scientists to talk of a separate geological period in the Earth history — the Permian period — a time of original pangolins and oil and coal formation.
To many Perm is also known as Yuriatin (a town featured in Boris Pasternak's novel “Doctor Zhivago”). The city's attractions include a unique “Wooden Gods” collection and famous ballet school that has produced Nadezhda Pavlova (the Bolshoy's prima), Olga Chenchikova (Mariinskiy Theatre), etc.