How to Watch a Documentary?
When hearing the phrase "a documentary film," most viewers imagine either films about animals or films about the past with stock footage and interviews with historians. On the one hand, that's true - both can be called documentaries. But on the other hand, it's not quite so. A documentary is much richer, more diverse, and more exciting. Why is it experiencing an incredible boom in the 21st century and yet continues to be associated with something dull? What tools do filmmakers use to explore reality and to have a dialogue with the audience? And what do we need to pay attention to while watching it to make the experience even more rewarding?
We will discuss these questions together with Vsevolod Korshunov, Candidate of Sciences in History of Arts, Associate Professor at VGIK and Moscow Institute of Cinematography, co-host of “Krupnym Planom” (Close Up), a Kinopoisk database podcast, and mentor at the LetsDOC-2022 Film Lab.
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