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Ma’rib (16+)

Germany, Yemen, 2008, colour, 30 min.
Director: Rainer Komers
Ma’rib is a wordless trip to the city of the same name in Yemen, which lies side by side with the ruins of its Sabaean forerunner from antiquity. The desert dust wraps the archaeologists, craftsmen and farmers in a mystical veil, which the editing and the virtuous pictures transform into a real documentary fresco.

Rainer Komers

Rainer Komers

was born in Guben, Germany. Studied film at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and photography at Essen University. Worked on films in Alaska, Germany, India, Japan, Latvia, Montana, Yemen. His films were shown to the audiences in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, USA. He is a director, a photography director, a calligraphist, a writer. Komers lives in Berlin and Mülheim an der Ruhr.


«Zigeuner In Duisburg», 1980; «Die Sterne Der Heimat», 1985; «B 224», 1999; «Nome Road System», 2004; «Kobe», 2006; « Ma’rib», 2008; «Milltown, Montana», 2009; «25572 BÜTTEL», 2012; «Ruhr Record », 2014; «Daugava Delta», 2014.
Germany, Yemen, 2008, colour, 30 min.
Director: Rainer Komers
Ma’rib is a wordless trip to the city of the same name in Yemen, which lies side by side with the ruins of its Sabaean forerunner from antiquity. The desert dust wraps the archaeologists, craftsmen and farmers in a mystical veil, which the editing and the virtuous pictures transform into a real documentary fresco.