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A Bit Louder (0+)

Russia, 2015, colour, 4 min.
Director: Nadezhda Dzigoieva
The city is a musician in its own right that every single day composes a new melody. If you listen closely, you’ll hear it sing. This is a first year class assignment on the topic “Short Clip”.

Nadezhda Dzigoieva

Nadezhda Dzigoieva

is a second year student at Perm State Academy of Art and Culture, Pavel Pechenkin’s documentary film workshop.
Russia, 2015, colour, 4 min.
Director: Nadezhda Dzigoieva
The city is a musician in its own right that every single day composes a new melody. If you listen closely, you’ll hear it sing. This is a first year class assignment on the topic “Short Clip”.