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Pomors (12+)

Russia, 2011, colour, 25 min.
Director: Aleksandra Strelyanaya
Kola Peninsula. Varzuga village. The road was built here not long ago. Inhabitants of a distant village tell us how the outside world influences on village's originality. How can a village survive in the modern world without losing its centuries’ identity?


Best Camera, V Russian Documentary Film Festival, New York, 2012.

Aleksandra Strelyanaya

Aleksandra Strelyanaya

was born in Saint-Petersburg on December 13, 1978. In 2005, she graduated from Saint-Petersburg University of Cinema and Television (Photography department, D.Dolinon’s workshop). In 2007, she received diploma as a director at the same university (workshop of V. Semenyuk and V. Aksenov).


Sparrow’s Dreams, 2003; Embossment: Georgian Portraits, 2004; Goodbye, 2005; Sarafan, 2006; Bread for Bird, 2010; Dry Land, 2011; Pomors, 2011; The Sea, 2012; Heptyl, 2014; The Reddest Fox, 2015.
Russia, 2011, colour, 25 min.
Director: Aleksandra Strelyanaya
Kola Peninsula. Varzuga village. The road was built here not long ago. Inhabitants of a distant village tell us how the outside world influences on village's originality. How can a village survive in the modern world without losing its centuries’ identity?


Best Camera, V Russian Documentary Film Festival, New York, 2012.