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Makary (0+)

Russia, 2017, b/w, 30 min.
Director: Viktor Belanov
We see a cross procession at the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary built in 1732 and now lying in ruin. The pilgrims are welcomed by the only resident of the village, Mother Fomaida who is consecrating all her efforts to re-construct the church little by little. She is the only keeper of the memory of the place of birth of Saint Macarius of Kalyazin, the founder of the St.-Trinity Monastery in Kalyazin where the Saint’s parents were buried.


Golden Knight International Orthodox Film Festival (Russia, 2018) – 3rd prize.

Viktor Belanov

Viktor Belanov

graduated from the High Courses of Scriptwriters and Film Directors (A.N.Gerasimov & A.M.Dobrovolsky’s workshop).


Between Us, 2015; Makary, 2017; Name, 2018.
Russia, 2017, b/w, 30 min.
Director: Viktor Belanov
We see a cross procession at the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary built in 1732 and now lying in ruin. The pilgrims are welcomed by the only resident of the village, Mother Fomaida who is consecrating all her efforts to re-construct the church little by little. She is the only keeper of the memory of the place of birth of Saint Macarius of Kalyazin, the founder of the St.-Trinity Monastery in Kalyazin where the Saint’s parents were buried.


Golden Knight International Orthodox Film Festival (Russia, 2018) – 3rd prize.