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Lost Memory (12+)

Bulgaria, 2019, colour, 90 min.
Director: Zlatina Rousseva
On a boat crossing, the Danube from the delta to its source in Germany are gathered musicians to play music dedicated to the history of the river. The sublime music awaken the memory of the Danube and it begins to send images of the forgotten events that took place on its banks, but which strangely make references to our present and the remake of History.
International premiere

Zlatina Rousseva

Zlatina Rousseva

is a documentary filmmaker awarded at many international festivals. Since 2009, she’s the artistic director and programmer of Millenium International Film Festival Brussels.


Portrait of a Man in Power, 1991; Hunting for Wolves, 1993; The Black Notebook of Zinaida Gippius, 1997; The Green Oranges of Liberia, 1999; Virtuosi from Nowhere, 2005; Against the Stream, 2007; Seuthes the Immortal, 2009; Lost Memory, 2019.
Bulgaria, 2019, colour, 90 min.
Director: Zlatina Rousseva
On a boat crossing, the Danube from the delta to its source in Germany are gathered musicians to play music dedicated to the history of the river. The sublime music awaken the memory of the Danube and it begins to send images of the forgotten events that took place on its banks, but which strangely make references to our present and the remake of History.
International premiere