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Confrontation (16+)

Turkey, 2017, colour, 63 min.
Director: Nejla Demirci
“Confrontation” opens with Ebru, a woman diagnosed with breast cancer. As she travels between hospitals, tests, surgery, and chemotherapy, her path crosses with other patients at various stages of the disease: Nuray, who is diagnosed when she is pregnant, Nurcan the goalkeeper of the national soccer team, and Sergun, a one-in-a-thousand man with breast cancer. These are stories of reconciliation with the disease, the decision to share or not to share the diagnosis with others, confrontation with the bodily changes and the fight, or resistance, that comes with solidarity. “Confrontation” is a hopeful, refreshing documentary.


International TRT Documentary Days (Turkey, 2017) – Best Documentary Award; SEEfest Los Angeles (USA, 2018) – Best Documentary Award; Antakya International Film Festival (Turkey, 2018) – Best Documentary Award.

Nejla Demirci

Nejla Demirci

was born in Agri, Turkey. She graduated from the Department of Sociology at Eskisehir Anadolu University. In 2012 she completed her first award-winning documentary film “Gundondu” (Sunflower) about an ecological subject.


Sunflower, 2012; Confrontation, 2017.
Turkey, 2017, colour, 63 min.
Director: Nejla Demirci
“Confrontation” opens with Ebru, a woman diagnosed with breast cancer. As she travels between hospitals, tests, surgery, and chemotherapy, her path crosses with other patients at various stages of the disease: Nuray, who is diagnosed when she is pregnant, Nurcan the goalkeeper of the national soccer team, and Sergun, a one-in-a-thousand man with breast cancer. These are stories of reconciliation with the disease, the decision to share or not to share the diagnosis with others, confrontation with the bodily changes and the fight, or resistance, that comes with solidarity. “Confrontation” is a hopeful, refreshing documentary.


International TRT Documentary Days (Turkey, 2017) – Best Documentary Award; SEEfest Los Angeles (USA, 2018) – Best Documentary Award; Antakya International Film Festival (Turkey, 2018) – Best Documentary Award.