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Felling Dangerous Trees (12+)

Russia, 2021, colour, 39 min.
Director: Zakhar Khasanov
Pavel is an entrepreneur from the countryside. He fells dangerous trees in the cemetery, cleans roofs from snow, breeds Hungarian pigs, and studies dialectical materialism. On New Year's Eve, a bride comes to visit him.
International premier

Zakhar Khasanov

Zakhar Khasanov

was born in 1992 in Kazan. Geological engineer by his first education, since 2020 Zakhar has been a student at the Moscow School of New Cinema (Dmitry Kubasov's non-fiction laboratory).


All Right, Baby, 2020; Felling Dangerous Trees, 2021.
Russia, 2021, colour, 39 min.
Director: Zakhar Khasanov
Pavel is an entrepreneur from the countryside. He fells dangerous trees in the cemetery, cleans roofs from snow, breeds Hungarian pigs, and studies dialectical materialism. On New Year's Eve, a bride comes to visit him.
International premier