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Ivan (6+)

Russia – France, 2022, colour, 61 min.
Director: Nikolai Bem
In a village lost in time, so isolated that it is not on the map of Russia, Sysoi passes on the tradition of Byzantine singing to his son Ivan. Their reclusive family life is filled with self-sustainment and a rigorous spiritual practice that seems to be dedicated to preparing the teenager for the only path in life.

Nikolai Bem

Nikolai Bem

is the founder of the SiberiaDOC project, a member of the Russian Documentary Guild since 2019. Participant of many educational programs: screenwriting workshops on documentary films (2007, 2016), "Producer workshop" within the "Marche du Film" Festival de Cannes and LAB "French-Russian Film Academy 2012" in Paris, Ex-Oriente IDF (Czech Republic, 2018). Laureate of the Russian society "Knowledge" awarded "For contribution to education in the field of "Culture and Art" (2021).


Snowdrop, 2015; Ivan, 2022.
Russia – France, 2022, colour, 61 min.
Director: Nikolai Bem
In a village lost in time, so isolated that it is not on the map of Russia, Sysoi passes on the tradition of Byzantine singing to his son Ivan. Their reclusive family life is filled with self-sustainment and a rigorous spiritual practice that seems to be dedicated to preparing the teenager for the only path in life.