Detached (12+)
Russia, 2022, colour, 64 min.
Director: Vladimir Krivov
Director: Vladimir Krivov
Detached is, on the one hand, a monologue of one Chukchi, and on the other – of an entire nation. A monologue about life, about the Motherland, about what makes the Chukchi break away from their roots. This film is a possible projection of our future. Because many of us, choosing the benefits of civilization, risk losing ourselves. How to get out of the «blizzard»? It seems that the Chukchi know the answer…
Vladimir Krivov

Vladimir Krivov
graduated from the Humanities Institute of TV&Radio Broadcasting named after M.A. Litovchin, the Faculty of Sound Engineering in 2007. Since 2003, Vladimir has been working on Russian TV as an editing director and a sound engineer. This film is his second work as a director. The first film «My Friend Yeti» was a participant in many national and international film festivals.
My Friend Yeti, 2021; Detached, 2022.
Russia, 2022, colour, 64 min.
Director: Vladimir Krivov
Director: Vladimir Krivov
Detached is, on the one hand, a monologue of one Chukchi, and on the other – of an entire nation. A monologue about life, about the Motherland, about what makes the Chukchi break away from their roots. This film is a possible projection of our future. Because many of us, choosing the benefits of civilization, risk losing ourselves. How to get out of the «blizzard»? It seems that the Chukchi know the answer…