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What’s Next? (12+)

Russia, 2022, colour, 23 min.
Director: Elizaveta Kokoreva
Galya Kopeikina is a lonely old woman who lives in tropical Sochi. However, on the screen we don’t see the sea or palm trees, but only the cramped space of a Soviet two-room apartment. The director of the film is the great-granddaughter of Galya Kopeikina, who was sent by relatives to negotiate with her great-grandmother. The aim is to convince her to move with one of the relatives in another city. Sounds simple, but it's actually a mission impossible. However, the camera is an outside observer that allows you to look at the situation from a different angle. To see a helpless lonely person instead of an eternally dissatisfied and absurd pensioner. To understand and to love her again.
Russian premier

Elizaveta Kokoreva

Elizaveta Kokoreva

was born in 2001. Student of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television (Mikhail Zheleznikov's workshop). Participant of the non-competition program of short films by students of St. Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television at the Message to Man festival.


Awakening, 2021; The Reason to Climb into Other People's Windows, 2022; What’s Next?, 2022.
Russia, 2022, colour, 23 min.
Director: Elizaveta Kokoreva
Galya Kopeikina is a lonely old woman who lives in tropical Sochi. However, on the screen we don’t see the sea or palm trees, but only the cramped space of a Soviet two-room apartment. The director of the film is the great-granddaughter of Galya Kopeikina, who was sent by relatives to negotiate with her great-grandmother. The aim is to convince her to move with one of the relatives in another city. Sounds simple, but it's actually a mission impossible. However, the camera is an outside observer that allows you to look at the situation from a different angle. To see a helpless lonely person instead of an eternally dissatisfied and absurd pensioner. To understand and to love her again.
Russian premier