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Birds and People of Science (12+)

Russia, 2022, colour, 25 min.
Director: Elena Turintseva
Dr. Sergey Pyzhyanov, a doctor of biological sciences and professor, has dedicated his entire life to studying birds on Lake Baikal. During the summer, you won't find the professor at home – he heads to the islands to do the routine work of an ornithologist, which includes counting nests, birds, and collecting materials for laboratory analysis. The professor looks hopefully to the future, aiming to continue his work with both birds and students.

Elena Turintseva

Elena Turintseva

graduated from Irkutsk State University (1995), completed postgraduate studies at the Moscow Humanitarian University (2011), and underwent retraining at the Irkutsk branch of VGIK in the "Film Directing and Screenwriting" program (2015).


Filmography: Nobody Loves You Like I Do, 2015; Barrier, 2016; Wild Boars, 2021; Birds and People of Science, 2022.
Russia, 2022, colour, 25 min.
Director: Elena Turintseva
Dr. Sergey Pyzhyanov, a doctor of biological sciences and professor, has dedicated his entire life to studying birds on Lake Baikal. During the summer, you won't find the professor at home – he heads to the islands to do the routine work of an ornithologist, which includes counting nests, birds, and collecting materials for laboratory analysis. The professor looks hopefully to the future, aiming to continue his work with both birds and students.