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Hear Us All (0+)

Poland, 2009, colour, 22 min.
Director: Maciej J. Drygas
An archaeological discovery of an early Christian grave made by the Polish expedition to Sudan becomes the grounds for a film mystery of deep unobtrusive symbolism.

Maciej J. Drygas

Maciej J. Drygas

was born on 3 April 1956 in Lodz, Poland. Film and radio director, screenwriter, professor and lecturer at the Polish National Film School in Lodz. After having graduated in 1981 from the Film Directing Dept. of the Cinema Institute in Moscow (VGIK), he worked as an assistant director for Krzysztof Zanussi and Krzysztof Kieslowski. He has won awards at numerous international festivals. Maciej J. Drygas’s films and radio documentaries have been broadcasted by television and radio stations in Europe, Canada, Brazil and Australia.


«Hear me cry», 1991; «State of weightlessness», 1994; «A day in People’s Republic of Poland», 2005; «Hear us all», 2008; «Violated Letters», 2011; «Abu Haraz», 2013.
Poland, 2009, colour, 22 min.
Director: Maciej J. Drygas
An archaeological discovery of an early Christian grave made by the Polish expedition to Sudan becomes the grounds for a film mystery of deep unobtrusive symbolism.