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Del and his Predel (12+)

Russia, 2014, colour, 64 min.
Director: Elena Laskari
A famous Russian writer, Saltykov-Shchedrin, wrote: «Skopin is the town where a person has nothing to live for», what seems to be true for every small town of Russia. In one of them, in a town of Ryazan Oblast, a director with a German surname Del creates a real theatre.

Elena Laskari

Elena Laskari

was born in Ryazan. She has graduated as a director from the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography under the mastership of A.Y. Khanutin. Elena works and lives in Moscow.


«The Portray at Gunpoint», 2008; «Shnoll. From 0 to 80», 2011; «The Heat», 2011; «Valenky», 2012; «Pooled Experience. Frosty Thaw», 2012; «Nightwitch»…Her Husband and Sons», 2013; «The Worlds of Andrey Linde», 2013; «Alexander Zhurbin. Autobiography in Four Movements», 2013; «Sparkling Solitude. Alexander and Ludmila Pyatigorskiye», 2014; “Del And His Predel”, 2014.
Russia, 2014, colour, 64 min.
Director: Elena Laskari
A famous Russian writer, Saltykov-Shchedrin, wrote: «Skopin is the town where a person has nothing to live for», what seems to be true for every small town of Russia. In one of them, in a town of Ryazan Oblast, a director with a German surname Del creates a real theatre.