Post Horse (0+)
Russia, 2008, colour, 36 min.
Director: Andrey Golovnev
Director: Andrey Golovnev
Seven-year old Lekha lives in a remote Russian Pomor village on the Onega Coast of White Sea. He learns a thing or two, accompanies his parents in driving a post-horse and rhymes songs about his tough life.
Andrey Golovnev

Andrey Golovnev
is an ethnographer and a film director, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences; lives in Yekaterinburg.
«The Road of Tatva», «The Gods of Yamal» (1992); «The Legend about Sichirtya» (1993); «Devil’s Lake», «Khadampe» (1994); «On the other Shore» (1995); «Way to the Sacred Place» (1997); «Pegtymel» (2000); «Post Horse» (2008).
Russia, 2008, colour, 36 min.
Director: Andrey Golovnev
Director: Andrey Golovnev
Seven-year old Lekha lives in a remote Russian Pomor village on the Onega Coast of White Sea. He learns a thing or two, accompanies his parents in driving a post-horse and rhymes songs about his tough life.