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Escort (12+)

the Netherlands, 2013, colour, 19 min.
Director: Guido Hendrikx
Young recruits are training for future service. They are a escort, service branch responsible for deporting migrants from the country. They have to keep a cool head and be tolerant, that’s the main thing in their work.
Russian premier

Guido Hendrikx

Guido Hendrikx

was born in Eindhoven (The Netherlands). He studied Medicine (but quit after 2 months) and Liberal Arts & Sciences (Utrecht University), taking courses in the disciplines of film, criminology, journalism and philosophy. His documentary debut – Day is Done* - premiered on IDFA 2010 (competition for Dutch Documentary). In the same year he enrolled at the Dutch Film Academy in Amsterdam (Directing).


«Day is Done», 2010; «Escort», 2013.
the Netherlands, 2013, colour, 19 min.
Director: Guido Hendrikx
Young recruits are training for future service. They are a escort, service branch responsible for deporting migrants from the country. They have to keep a cool head and be tolerant, that’s the main thing in their work.
Russian premier