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Vella (0+)

Russia, 2005, colour, 35 min.
Director: Vladimir Guerchikov
Uriy Vella is a German hunter and poet who is fighting against oil concern for his lands.

Vladimir Guerchikov

Vladimir Guerchikov

was born in 1943. He graduated from the Leningrad State University in 1968. He is a winner of Russian Federation State Prize (2002) and of TEFI Prize (1996).


“And I’Il Hear You”1991; “River Bank”, 1992; “Kutchugury and Surroundings” (documentary serial), 1994-200; “Pure Ponds” (documentary serial), 2002; “Vella”, “Reaction”, “Punishment and Crime”, 2005.
Russia, 2005, colour, 35 min.
Director: Vladimir Guerchikov
Uriy Vella is a German hunter and poet who is fighting against oil concern for his lands.