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The Berlin Mirror (0+)

Audience’s sympathy prize winner
Russia, 2004, colour, 39 min.
Director: Juli Lurie
A documentary story of life of remarkable Russian women, actress Olga Chekhova and princess Maria Vasilchikova. Both find themselves in the heart of two independent conspiracies against Hitler. But that does not deprive them of other things in life - love, mourning over the lost ones, hard work, etc. Strong feminine characters, that manage to retain creative peaceful minds among fires and ruins of the 1944 Berlin.

Juli Lurie

Juli Lurie

(1941). Training: the Moscow State University (1965), VGIK (1970). Lawyer, scriptwriter, teacher of the history of culture. Member of the Russian Union of Cinematographers. Currently lives in Moscow.


“The Caught Catcher”, 2001.
Audience’s sympathy prize winner
Russia, 2004, colour, 39 min.
Director: Juli Lurie
A documentary story of life of remarkable Russian women, actress Olga Chekhova and princess Maria Vasilchikova. Both find themselves in the heart of two independent conspiracies against Hitler. But that does not deprive them of other things in life - love, mourning over the lost ones, hard work, etc. Strong feminine characters, that manage to retain creative peaceful minds among fires and ruins of the 1944 Berlin.