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By the Law Of Life (0+)

Russia, 1996, colour, 20 min.
Director: Igor Mirny
The characters of the film are sea animals and birds whose life is so much like the human one... The film was shot on the Tuleny island in the sea of Okhotsk. In the sea of Okhotsk there is an island called Tuleny. Five months of the years it’s empty and lifeless. In spring this tiny piece of land is found in the waves by its usual inhabitants: sea lions and fur-seals, rare exotic birds. The life on the island resembles a lot the life of human society: passionate scenes and conflicts take place all summer long. And all this because of love. For taking care about the future generation, the nature grants every creature living in our diverse world with the joy of love. Without it life on our planet would die away.


The international film festival The Man and the Sea, Vladivostok, 1997; the Russian Television channel prize, the public prize.

Igor Mirny

Igor Mirny

родился в 1939 г. Окончил операторский факультет ВГИКа в 1965 году. Режиссер и оператор Дальневосточной студии кинохроники. Живет и работает в Хабаровске.


«А девушки все едут...», 1966; «Живые родники», 1969; «Порт Восточный», 1975; «Родное наше Приамурье», 1977; «Озеро Ханка», 1979; «Благовещенск», 1980; «Обживаем край таежный», 1981; «Порт», 1986; «Поклонись полю своему», 1988; «Маршал Тухачевский», «На подступах к Эльдорадо», 1991; «Светлое поколение», 1995; «По закону жизни», 1996.
Russia, 1996, colour, 20 min.
Director: Igor Mirny
The characters of the film are sea animals and birds whose life is so much like the human one... The film was shot on the Tuleny island in the sea of Okhotsk. In the sea of Okhotsk there is an island called Tuleny. Five months of the years it’s empty and lifeless. In spring this tiny piece of land is found in the waves by its usual inhabitants: sea lions and fur-seals, rare exotic birds. The life on the island resembles a lot the life of human society: passionate scenes and conflicts take place all summer long. And all this because of love. For taking care about the future generation, the nature grants every creature living in our diverse world with the joy of love. Without it life on our planet would die away.


The international film festival The Man and the Sea, Vladivostok, 1997; the Russian Television channel prize, the public prize.