Story of Turin, the Artist and Victim (0+)
Russia, 1994, colour, 30 min.
Director: Pavel Petchenkin
Director: Pavel Petchenkin
A country hospital doctor-radiologist is fond of painting portraits of his neighbours. Literally he can see through them, knowing them closely and sometimes they hurt him. But it seems he loved them: the portraits are very good. The artist finds recognition not only in his villag, it's quite clear that he is a gifted paonter. It's typical of every artist to draw nude. Generally speaking it's normal, and nobody can say anything against it, but when speaking of detail... Somebody beat artist Turin unmercifully. Nobody knows the reason and Turin himself is not an ideal of a man, but the judge has no doubt: he is a victim. His arm was broken. He is confused. The fear again rises in his soul: he can't protect himself. The matter is that Turin is physically handicapped since the childhood... He creates the reality around him, which while taking shape hurts him. The man does something wrong. Something is wrong from the beginning. What is his guilt? And what is a reason of his misfortune?
In 1995 the film was awerded twice: with the main prize at Dier Festival (Hungary) and with a prize at Ekaterinburg Documentaries Festival.
Pavel Petchenkin
Pavel Petchenkin
родился в 1956 году. С 1986-го работает режиссером на Пермском телевидении. Создал несколько фильмов как режиссер и автор сценариев. В 1987 году основал независимую киностудию "Новый курс" при Кинофонде. В 1993 г. получил Специальный приз на кинофестивале в Локарно, "Серебрянный кентавр" в Санкт-Петербурге в 1994 г. за фильм "Человек, который запряг идею".
Russia, 1994, colour, 30 min.
Director: Pavel Petchenkin
Director: Pavel Petchenkin
A country hospital doctor-radiologist is fond of painting portraits of his neighbours. Literally he can see through them, knowing them closely and sometimes they hurt him. But it seems he loved them: the portraits are very good. The artist finds recognition not only in his villag, it's quite clear that he is a gifted paonter. It's typical of every artist to draw nude. Generally speaking it's normal, and nobody can say anything against it, but when speaking of detail... Somebody beat artist Turin unmercifully. Nobody knows the reason and Turin himself is not an ideal of a man, but the judge has no doubt: he is a victim. His arm was broken. He is confused. The fear again rises in his soul: he can't protect himself. The matter is that Turin is physically handicapped since the childhood... He creates the reality around him, which while taking shape hurts him. The man does something wrong. Something is wrong from the beginning. What is his guilt? And what is a reason of his misfortune?
In 1995 the film was awerded twice: with the main prize at Dier Festival (Hungary) and with a prize at Ekaterinburg Documentaries Festival.