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When the Skies Get Discloused (0+)

Russia, 1991, colour, 30 min.
Director: Yuri Shiller
The film seems to lack traditional narrative plot. It is just unreal stories told by two country dreamers, old and young; the stories mixed with country views of the village streets, children playing games, the July sky, rain, shop, farmers working in the fields. The hero of the film is a 7 year old village boy, both a dreamer and philosopher. Dreaming and fantacizing he raises complicated philosophical questions. In his fantasies, however, he can get straight to the point, unlike some adults.

Yuri Shiller

Yuri Shiller

родился в 1942 г. в городе Оха Сахалинской области. После службы в армии поступил во ВГИК, который окончил в 1969 (мастерская Григория Чухрая). Работал на "Центрнаучфильме", затем на киностудии в Алма-Ате. С 1975 г. - режиссер "Новосибирсктелефильма" , снимал игровые, научно-популярные и документальные фильмы. Всего около 50 лент. Член СК СССР. Живет и работает в Новосибирске.
Russia, 1991, colour, 30 min.
Director: Yuri Shiller
The film seems to lack traditional narrative plot. It is just unreal stories told by two country dreamers, old and young; the stories mixed with country views of the village streets, children playing games, the July sky, rain, shop, farmers working in the fields. The hero of the film is a 7 year old village boy, both a dreamer and philosopher. Dreaming and fantacizing he raises complicated philosophical questions. In his fantasies, however, he can get straight to the point, unlike some adults.