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Dancers (0+)

Russia, 1989, colour, 30 min.
Director: Yuri Shiller
The main characters of the film are subtle and attentive speech partners, who are keen on neither discussing problems nor sharing philosophical ideas. The film director concentrates on the scenes in which talanted, enthusiatic and artistic people sing, play and dance, from time to time smiling trough their tears, however... "you haven't seen real life, no, you haven't". These brilliant dances, both group mini-performances and solos, can tell us about the bygone years more eloquently than mere words. No wonder that one of the dancers notices, "I don't use my feet - I use my brains... I just move my feet".

Yuri Shiller

Yuri Shiller

родился в 1942 г. в городе Оха Сахалинской области. После службы в армии поступил во ВГИК, который окончил в 1969 (мастерская Григория Чухрая). Работал на "Центрнаучфильме", затем на киностудии в Алма-Ате. С 1975 г. - режиссер "Новосибирсктелефильма" , снимал игровые, научно-популярные и документальные фильмы. Всего около 50 лент. Член СК СССР. Живет и работает в Новосибирске.
Russia, 1989, colour, 30 min.
Director: Yuri Shiller
The main characters of the film are subtle and attentive speech partners, who are keen on neither discussing problems nor sharing philosophical ideas. The film director concentrates on the scenes in which talanted, enthusiatic and artistic people sing, play and dance, from time to time smiling trough their tears, however... "you haven't seen real life, no, you haven't". These brilliant dances, both group mini-performances and solos, can tell us about the bygone years more eloquently than mere words. No wonder that one of the dancers notices, "I don't use my feet - I use my brains... I just move my feet".