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Flahertiana Online

The films of Flahertiana Online special program are portraits of modern women who experience emotions and shocks through physical experience. Acting on screen, they find and reclaim themselves, asserting their right to their own bodies in real life.

"Stuntwomen" is an observation of Virginie, Petra, and Estelle, performing dangerous stunts on the set – in an illusory world with real dangers.

“Luchadoras” is a tense film of female wrestlers who love and suffer when they come off the ring. Mini Serinita, Lady Candy, and Baby Star embody a new image of women in Mexico.

And Valeria Collina, the heroine of the film “After the Bridge” seeks the courage within herself to accept the inevitable – the death of her son, who joined jihad.

The films are available to watch on the festival's website from September 16 to 20.