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Waiting for the (t)rain (12+)

France, 2015, 25 min.
Director: Simon Panay
A small village lost in a dusty desert in Burkina's bush. Two times a week passes the train. Various food items and water bottles were thrown by the passengers while passing by constituting the main income of the village, and the only source of water during dry season. Different portraits follow each other. The older one s have known slavery in the service of France, the young dream of distant horizons.


Film Festival People and Environment, 2016 – Special award certificates of the Russian Filmmakers Union and the Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Filmmakers Union for the camerawork of Nicolas Canton.

Simon Panay

Simon Panay

was born in 1993. He made his first fiction short film at 19 and got more than 50 official selections, 15 awards and two TV screenings (Eurochannel, Shorts TV). In 2012, he shot his first documentary film in Africa, and in 2015 his second documentary “Waiting for the (t)rain” for which he received a prize of best talented young director of the year from the prestigious organisation ARP.


Tontines, une affaire de femmes, 2012; Waiting for the (t)rain, 2015.
France, 2015, 25 min.
Director: Simon Panay
A small village lost in a dusty desert in Burkina's bush. Two times a week passes the train. Various food items and water bottles were thrown by the passengers while passing by constituting the main income of the village, and the only source of water during dry season. Different portraits follow each other. The older one s have known slavery in the service of France, the young dream of distant horizons.


Film Festival People and Environment, 2016 – Special award certificates of the Russian Filmmakers Union and the Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Filmmakers Union for the camerawork of Nicolas Canton.