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North Forever (12+)

USSR , 1972, colour, 50 min.
Director: Boris Uritsky
The film tells about the problems of the development of the North.

Boris Uritsky

Boris Uritsky

was born on October 26, 1931 in Harbin (China) in the family of an official. Director of popular science and documentary films. Honored Artist of the Russia. By education, an architect, graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute (1958). Since 1961 – the director of the Sverdlovsk Film Studio. Since 1992, he has been the artistic director of a subsidiary of the creative and production association of popular science films of the Sverdlovsk Film Studio. Died in 2010.


The Way to Big Oil, 1963; North Forever, 1972; Irtysh, 1982; Deficit and its Admirers, 1983; The Rebellious Monk Iakinf Bichurin, 1985; Aleksander Litvinov. The Success and Drama of a Soviet Filmmaker, 1996.
USSR , 1972, colour, 50 min.
Director: Boris Uritsky
The film tells about the problems of the development of the North.