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The King of Birds (6+)

Russia, 2022, colour, 17 min.
Director: Daria Razumnikova
Little Andrei grows up in a family of ornithologists and dreams of learning the language of birds. But one day he learns that the birds on Lake Baikal are in danger.

Daria Razumnikova

Daria Razumnikova

graduated from the Higher School of Journalism at the National Research University Higher School of Economics with a degree in Feature Film Directing (2012, workshop of A. Fenchenko, A. Kott, V. Kott), the Academy of Cinematographic and Theatre Arts of Nikita Mikhalkov with a degree in “Director - 21st century” (2021, workshop of V. Fenchenko, V. Khotinenko). Author of short feature films – participants of Russian and foreign festivals.


The King of Birds, 2022.
Russia, 2022, colour, 17 min.
Director: Daria Razumnikova
Little Andrei grows up in a family of ornithologists and dreams of learning the language of birds. But one day he learns that the birds on Lake Baikal are in danger.