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Sex in the Middle of the Audience Hall (0+)

Russia, 2012, colour, 11 min.
Director: Tofik Shakhverdiev
The film is about photography. It was shot in Moscow at “Fashion and Style Photography” exhibition full of educated audience but without the photographs themselves.

Tofik Shakhverdiev

Tofik Shakhverdiev

filmed two feature films and more than twenty documentaries. He earned 2 “Nika” awards, “Golden Centaur”, “Golden tambourine”, “Flahertiana”, “Stalker”, “Window to Europe”, “UNESCO award”, “Breaking Down Barriers” and other film awards in Italy, France, Yugoslavia, the USA, Greece, Israel and so on. He is Russian Federation honoured man of art.


“Gymnastics lesson”, 1973; “Children of Russia”, 1974; “What your song is about”, 1977; “Is Stalin with us?”, 1990; “To die of love”, 1990; “Victory march”, 2000; “Air balloons”, 2001; “So people will clap”, 2001; “Two boys who don’t drink”, 2002; “To kill a man”, 2002; “About love”, 2003; “He curses”, 2005; “World of ingenuous”, 2007; “Russian fame”, 2009; “Searching for Wahhabis in Dagestan mountains”, 2010; “Learning Italian”, 2013.
Russia, 2012, colour, 11 min.
Director: Tofik Shakhverdiev
The film is about photography. It was shot in Moscow at “Fashion and Style Photography” exhibition full of educated audience but without the photographs themselves.