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Scenes From the Life of the Provincial Comedien (0+)

Russia, 1997, colour, 65 min.
Director: Pavel Petchenkin
When an ordinary guy’s ambitious dream about actor’s career meets cruel reality, his life very often turns into a tragedy. But what if a person is comedian by nature? To what kind of a play he will be put by this dramatic life? The film’s plot is built on the traditional for Russian provincial theater conflict: a comedian who dreams about Hamlet’s part. Why nothing comes out of the becomes clear at the end of the film: because artist’s today’s life is much more tragic than pains of all Danish princes. More tragic and more ridiculous, by the way. And in this sense more optimistic...


Nominee of film festival «Rossia», Yekaterinburg, 1998, and of international film festival «Message to Men», St. Petersbourg, 1998.

Pavel Petchenkin

Pavel Petchenkin

was born in 1956. When he was young he created slide-films and experimental video-poetic theatre. From 1985 he was assistant director at «Permtelefilm». In 1987 he founded one of the first independent film studios in USSR – Novy Kurs (New Course). He has made over 40 films as a director and producer. Petchekin has been awarded multiple international film festivals’ prizes. He is the initiator for creating in Perm and Perm Krai a system of media-education. He is the President of IDFF Flahertiana, a member of Russian Filmmakers Union, member of Russian Film Academy.


«Thirst», 1989; «House With Windows In Silence», 1990, «Favourite», 1991, «Satan’s Ashes», 1992, «Makariev’s Day», 1992; «About Olya in Captivity», 1993; «Man Who Put Idea In», 1993; «Story of Tyurin, artist and victim», 1994; «Winner», 1995; «Game», 1997; «Pictures from the provincial comic’s life», 1997; «Volunteer Kats and Others», 2000; «Drug Addiction the Russian Way», 2000; «Love is all We Need», 2001; «Two Sons of Yaziili Kalimova. Winskaya Melodrama», 2002; «Vacation», 2004; «Alien Children», 2005; «Enthusiast’s travels», 2007; «Dancing Lesson», 2007; «Excursion», 2008; «Perm/PERMM», 2010; «Days of Red Angels», 2012, «Varlam Shalamov. Experience of a Youth», 2014.
Russia, 1997, colour, 65 min.
Director: Pavel Petchenkin
When an ordinary guy’s ambitious dream about actor’s career meets cruel reality, his life very often turns into a tragedy. But what if a person is comedian by nature? To what kind of a play he will be put by this dramatic life? The film’s plot is built on the traditional for Russian provincial theater conflict: a comedian who dreams about Hamlet’s part. Why nothing comes out of the becomes clear at the end of the film: because artist’s today’s life is much more tragic than pains of all Danish princes. More tragic and more ridiculous, by the way. And in this sense more optimistic...


Nominee of film festival «Rossia», Yekaterinburg, 1998, and of international film festival «Message to Men», St. Petersbourg, 1998.