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The Game (0+)

Russia, 1997, colour, 9 min.
Director: Pavel Petchenkin
Main character of the film is obsessed about computer games. For him life is running on the screen, the life in which he feels himself like a powerful hero, the life in which he may die and revive… A man and computer, reality and illusion. May it be a new drug?


Nominee of IFF «Message to Man», St. Petersburg, 1997.

Pavel Petchenkin

Pavel Petchenkin

was born in 1956. When he was young he created slide-films and experimental video-poetic theatre. From 1985 he was assistant director at «Permtelefilm». In 1987 he founded one of the first independent film studios in USSR – Novy Kurs (New Course). He has made over 40 films as a director and producer. Petchekin has been awarded multiple international film festivals’ prizes. He is the initiator for creating in Perm and Perm Krai a system of media-education. He is the President of IDFF Flahertiana, a member of Russian Filmmakers Union, member of Russian Film Academy.


«Thirst», 1989; «House With Windows In Silence», 1990, «Favourite», 1991, «Satan’s Ashes», 1992, «Makariev’s Day», 1992; «About Olya in Captivity», 1993; «Man Who Put Idea In», 1993; «Story of Tyurin, artist and victim», 1994; «Winner», 1995; «Game», 1997; «Pictures from the provincial comic’s life», 1997; «Volunteer Kats and Others», 2000; «Drug Addiction the Russian Way», 2000; «Love is all We Need», 2001; «Two Sons of Yaziili Kalimova. Winskaya Melodrama», 2002; «Vacation», 2004; «Alien Children», 2005; «Enthusiast’s travels», 2007; «Dancing Lesson», 2007; «Excursion», 2008; «Perm/PERMM», 2010; «Days of Red Angels», 2012, «Varlam Shalamov. Experience of a Youth», 2014.
Russia, 1997, colour, 9 min.
Director: Pavel Petchenkin
Main character of the film is obsessed about computer games. For him life is running on the screen, the life in which he feels himself like a powerful hero, the life in which he may die and revive… A man and computer, reality and illusion. May it be a new drug?


Nominee of IFF «Message to Man», St. Petersburg, 1997.