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Cinema Vérité special at IDFF Flahertiana

Heritage of stepfather (16+)

Iran, 2014, colour, 67 min.
Director: Nima Mahdian
The main character suffers from hair loss. For him, as well as for many other Iranian men, it is an earnest issue because statistically women from the East choose wealthy, reliable men with… a good head of hair to be their husband.
World premier

Nima Mahdian

Nima Mahdian

is an Iranian director. Mahdian has already made several short films. «Heritage of stepfather» is his second professional work as a documentary filmmaker.


«Heritage of stepfather», 2014.
Iran, 2014, colour, 67 min.
Director: Nima Mahdian
The main character suffers from hair loss. For him, as well as for many other Iranian men, it is an earnest issue because statistically women from the East choose wealthy, reliable men with… a good head of hair to be their husband.
World premier